A downloadable game

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What's this?
I call them Battle Banners, Status Standards, Condition Crests, etc.
I wanted to have an alternative to Condition Rings and tokens, which can take you out of the immersion during a lengthy TTRPG combat.
I came up with a DIY mini base and condition banners for anything that might affect the character/NPC.

What are you getting?
A few pages of battle standards, with condition icons and their names, to print out and use during your TTRPG session. There is a step-by-step process at the end of the file.

Gather the materials:
1. This .pdf;
2. A pizza table (also known as 'pizza saver');
3. Some minis.  

What to do?
1. Cut out the condition banners that interest you.
2. Fold them over a toothpick or another thin round piece of material.
3. Glue the banner on the inside, leaving an open loop where the toothpick is.
4. Turn the pizza saver upside down, cut off all but one/two legs. If needed, you can add a thin wooden disk to level this new mini base. Place the mini on the base.
5. When the situation calls for it, place the respective condition marker on one of the remaining pizza saver legs. When the condition is over, just remove the marker. 

It doesn't have to be a pizza saver. You can grab a regular mini base, drill a small hole in it, get a toothpick and glue the marker on it, then use it.
There are other markers you could also use: mini rubber bands in different colors; beads; dry-erase tokens. 

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Battle Banners, v_2.pdf 11 MB

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